Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Release from Eyeblaster - Widgets

The concept is upon viewing an advert online, a user has the option to post the viral content to popular social networking sites such as Blogger, Facebook, MySpace...etc by simply selecting their destination of choice from within the ad itself. This in turn not only they are allowed to display it on their own page, but to also forward it to friends, who in turn displays the content on their own social networking pages as well. It's definitely a dream come true to all advertisers!

But the real beauty is that all of this viral effect is no longer blind, but displaying the data gleaned from opportunity direct within Eyeblaster’s reports.

Try it yourself. =)

" height="" name="widget" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" flashVars= "wdg=1&pg=blogger&cid=776568_404929&pid=198961&pi=0&fi=404929&rp=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" >

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thanks everyone! *kisses*

I know I have not been blogging for quite some time.
But I have to take time to write this.

First of all, I would like to thank those who called, sms-ed, IM-ed...etc.
Not the gift that matters but it's the small gesture and wishes that makes me happy. =)

It was really warm and heartfelt to find out that my colleague and partner-in-crime, Melissa took the effort to arrange something on my birthday. Thanks, babe! It is really sweet of you.
Also, thanks to all MPYR-ians who has supported this. =)

Most importantly, it was touching and super duper ooper sweet to receive a call from my friend all the way from France. Fabrice, thanks for calling! My boring working birthday transformed into superbly wonderful birthday after your call. *gros bisous*

I love you guys, heaps!
*hugs and kisses*

Karen M.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Terminating my 016 line

Dear all,

Would like to inform you that I will be terminating my 016 line - because stupid DiGi revised their DiGi Ambassador Plan - effective Feb 1st. So yeah... I'm no longer supporting DiGi...

Luckily I kept my 012 line opened.
For those whom has deleted my 012 number, please drop me a message here or IM me when you see me online. I'll give it to you then. :)

Thanks everyone... Keep in touch! *muah*

Karen M.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My red eye....

Been coughing badly for the past 3 weeks... going into the 4th week...
This time my cough seems rather weird...
I do not know how to describe it... but each time I cough... can't seem to breathe properly...

2 days ago, found out that my left eye got a red dot... =S
It got bigger.......

2 days ago


New Year Eve

Darren and I decided to stay home for dinner.
Neither of us wanna join the crowd and get stuck in traffic.
So we had dinner at home and proceeded to my bro's new house for countdown.
The view from his place was great!
My camera phone was not good enough - so didn't mange to get any nice fireworks shoot. =(

Fantastic huge aquarium.

Can never get a nice pic with him. Sigh...

Christmas 2007 Dinner

This entry is wayyyyy outdated. But I'm gonna post it up anyway. :)
Went for dinner with my colleagues a.k.a partner-in-crime during Christmas eve.
Here's some of the pic.....

(from left to right) Esther, Mel and Kaz.

My right hand - Mel. Still need my left hand though.

P/S: Of course, Darren was there with us. He was the photographer. =P